About Us

TRK(HK)Electronic Limited was located in Shenzhen, mainly specializes in electronic components & Network accessories.

Our product have received good reputation with customers. Welcome your inquiry.  


BEST quality products for IC Componets ( MICRON  ,AD , BB , TI ,TOHSBA ) , and Network accessories  such as  Fiber Optical Splitter  , Patch Cord , Splitter Box , Optical Transmitter  ,PON POWER METER tester  ,Fiber Video converter , Adapters.


Our products is not only sold in China but also exported to Europe,  Russia,  Malaysia and other countries in the world. With the principal of "Good promise, high quality", we provide every customer with the best quality products and perfect service. We warmly welcome you to establish a business with us .Hoping to get mutual benefit together with you.






Add:  RM102,Unit1 DeLongYuan ,DeFu Garden ,Longgang Dis Shenzhen , Guangdong , China 518000

TEL:  0086-0755-8397 1662


Fax:  0086-0755-8397  1661


Whats app : 0086 132 6711 1355